This document sets out our approach to fees for ancillary services (over and above the stated qualification prices on our website).
Qualification fees quoted on our website include course delivery as per timetable, and assessment fees as per timetable for the course.
Where learners require additional support or services over and above the allocated or timetabled hours for the course delivery, these services are outside the scope of the original course fees unless specifically noted or recorded on the invoice or booking confirmation.
Appeals Policy
This document sets out our appeals policy and is generally aimed at learners registered on qualifications being delivered by SCTNI Limited
SCTNI always strives for the delivery of high quality and responsible training, however we recognise that problems, disagreement and disputes can occur from time to time.
SCTNI also recognises that feedback to learners who have not met learning outcomes is a difficult and sensitive task, and that a mechanism for challenging decisions of trainers and assessors should be available and transparent should the learner feel the outcome or decision is incorrect or unfair.